Top 10


Top Reasons People Blog


Thanks for checking out my very first blog posting.

In deciding to join the millions of others in the blogosphere, I conducted some personal research to become better informed about blogging; more specifically, I intended to research what people blogged about. However, because this is my virgin blog, I thought it appropriate instead, to blog about why people blog. To my surprise, I found that fewer people blog to keep a record of personal events, thoughts, and feelings than I anticipated.

Then, what do bloggers blog about?

Bloggers Blog to:

  1. share product reviews to other consumers. Consumer Reports, E-Bay, and Amazon’s ‘feedback’ and ‘reviews’ are good examples of product review blogging. This type of blogging is amazingly helpful to other consumers considering purchasing specific products. It can save a consumer from making a purchase that they will not be happy with or may be the deciding factor in purchasing a product that they normally would not purchase.
  2. offer instructions. Instructions can range from operating devices, installing equipment, assembling furniture, simplify driving directions, and even on how to blog. Bloggers get to offer their expertise and are thus heard in the process, and readers are educated in new areas.
  3. Market their products and services. Much business owns and entrepreneurs use blogging as a way to attract people to their websites or to make their product better known.
  4. Establish themselves as an expert in a field or niche. This topic or field is usually related to their occupation and/or education and these bloggers rarely stray far from their subject of expertise.
  5. Remain in contact with friends and family. Some bloggers post events of their life, to do lists, calendars, a new baby’s progress, and even recipes to friends and family members. Blogging offers a way to stay close without having to devote a plethora of time to individual people and allows others to keep abreast in your happenings. This is a great tool which allows one to feel physically close to loved ones when physical distance is great.
  6. Network with new people.  In today’s business one can never have too many contacts. However, with today’s busy lifestyle, it is hard to find time to socialize even when we are mingling to increase our business network. Blogging allows business-minded individuals to do so without leaving their desk, putting on that winning smile, or doing much work at all.
  7. Receive free feedback. Feedback regarding our business ideas and ventures are critical to success; however, this type of constructive criticism can be costly. Unless, of course, you are crafty and look for it in the form of feedback generated from your winning blog.
  8. Allow customers to get to know you, your business, and your product. This helps to establish trust with the customer and allows for the customer and business to interact on an even keel. Not only do customers learn about promotions, sales, changes in business hours, new product lines, and prices, they also learn about you as a person, which is important to today’s consumer.
  9. Talk. Some people like to talk. Others have a plethora of things to say. Blogging allows you to “talk” about anything, anytime, anywhere, even when you have no immediate audience.
  10. Gain knowledge derived from the ideas and expertise of others. People love to include their thoughts and opinions, and even their expertise to other bloggers blog postings. Because of this, blogging is a great way to request advice on a situation, seek out answers to questions, gain insight on a topic, or to receive solutions to problems.

I, on the other hand, am blogging to learn more about the blogosphere, gain insight into social media marketing, and to satisfy a course requirement. In time, I plan on creating a regularly occurring blog centering on a specific topic of general interest within the realm or niche of either virtual assisting or web design and virtual marketing.

What do you blog about?


Thanks for checking out my blog!

Drop me a line telling me how I rank

Why Do You Blog?


Top Reasons People Blog


Thanks for checking out my very first blog posting.

In deciding to join the millions of others in the blogosphere, I conducted some personal research to become better informed about blogging; more specifically, I intended to research what people blogged about. However, because this is my virgin blog, I thought it appropriate instead, to blog about why people blog. To my surprise, I found that fewer people blog to keep a record of personal events, thoughts, and feelings than I anticipated.

Then, what do bloggers blog about?

Bloggers Blog to:

  1. share product reviews to other consumers. Consumer Reports, E-Bay, and Amazon’s ‘feedback’ and ‘reviews’ are good examples of product review blogging. This type of blogging is amazingly helpful to other consumers considering purchasing specific products. It can save a consumer from making a purchase that they will not be happy with or may be the deciding factor in purchasing a product that they normally would not purchase.
  2. offer instructions. Instructions can range from operating devices, installing equipment, assembling furniture, simplify driving directions, and even on how to blog. Bloggers get to offer their expertise and are thus heard in the process, and readers are educated in new areas.
  3. Market their products and services. Much business owns and entrepreneurs use blogging as a way to attract people to their websites or to make their product better known.
  4. Establish themselves as an expert in a field or niche. This topic or field is usually related to their occupation and/or education and these bloggers rarely stray far from their subject of expertise.
  5. Remain in contact with friends and family. Some bloggers post events of their life, to do lists, calendars, a new baby’s progress, and even recipes to friends and family members. Blogging offers a way to stay close without having to devote a plethora of time to individual people and allows others to keep abreast in your happenings. This is a great tool which allows one to feel physically close to loved ones when physical distance is great.
  6. Network with new people.  In today’s business one can never have too many contacts. However, with today’s busy lifestyle, it is hard to find time to socialize even when we are mingling to increase our business network. Blogging allows business-minded individuals to do so without leaving their desk, putting on that winning smile, or doing much work at all.
  7. Receive free feedback. Feedback regarding our business ideas and ventures are critical to success; however, this type of constructive criticism can be costly. Unless, of course, you are crafty and look for it in the form of feedback generated from your winning blog.
  8. Allow customers to get to know you, your business, and your product. This helps to establish trust with the customer and allows for the customer and business to interact on an even keel. Not only do customers learn about promotions, sales, changes in business hours, new product lines, and prices, they also learn about you as a person, which is important to today’s consumer.
  9. Talk. Some people like to talk. Others have a plethora of things to say. Blogging allows you to “talk” about anything, anytime, anywhere, even when you have no immediate audience.
  10. Gain knowledge derived from the ideas and expertise of others. People love to include their thoughts and opinions, and even their expertise to other bloggers blog postings. Because of this, blogging is a great way to request advice on a situation, seek out answers to questions, gain insight on a topic, or to receive solutions to problems.

I, on the other hand, am blogging to learn more about the blogosphere, gain insight into social media marketing, and to satisfy a course requirement. In time, I plan on creating a regularly occurring blog centering on a specific topic of general interest within the realm or niche of either virtual assisting or web design and virtual marketing.

What do you blog about?


Thanks for checking out my blog!

Drop me a line telling me how I rank

The electronic portfolio


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An online or electronic portfolio is a visually appealing collection of your best work to date which is put on display for those who have a tangible interest in you and your artistry to view, compare, and evaluate. IT is an electronic or online collection of carefully selected records and documents created by you.

Bringing an e-Portfolio to a job interview or to a meeting with a potential client will help you secure the job.

People are using e-portfolio tools as a method to:

  • Reflect
  • Achieve’
  • Present themselves


Benefits of An electronic portfolio include:

  • Communication
  • Literacy
  • Problem solving

Marvelous concept; creating one’s own electronic portfolio

Collecting and organizing information

  • Using technology
  • Completing activities
  • Professionalism
  • Interacting with others
  • Understanding all aspects of an industry
  • Taking responsibility for career and life change

Principals of an e-portfolio include:

  • The person owns their e-portfolio data. It cannot be used, reproduced, etc,,, without your permission
  • Am e-portfolio  has to support the use in more than one
  • Ane-portfolio must refer to sources outside of itself
  • An e-portfolio tool n eeds an import and export function.
  • Quality online portfolios are becoming the key most important marketing tool a beginning web designer or student possesses.

Continue reading

One Person’s Account of their Addictions


One Person’s Honest Account,

of Their Addictions,

 Through The Years.


I ran across the following blog when I was blog trolling instead of working and lo-and-behold.

Where did “lo-and-behold” originate from anyway? And am I even saying it right? <Shaking head in confusion>

Anyway, I began a reply to the blog in another writing application just to discover that comments are closed. It’s to be expected; things of this nature are very typical of my life.

Instead, I am posting my comment as a new blog thread. Here goes..


Daily Prompt:

Can’t Get Enough

by michelle w. on October 9, 2013

Have you ever been addicted to anything, or worried that you were? Have you ever spent too much time and effort on something that was a distraction from your real goals? Tell us about it.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us ADDICTING.

Please note that comments are always closed on daily prompts. Pingbacks are always enabled; if you link to the prompt post on your blog, a link to your post will appear in the list below the prompt.

Haven’t we all been addicted to something or other in our lifetime? If your answer is no, then you are certainly the exception the rule or you are lying like Pinocchio.

I have, and have had, too many addictions in my life. The worst addiction I ever picked up has to be tobacco. I have been smoking for what feels like eternity and I have no desire to quit. I would surmise that this could very well be what is named my “lifelong” addiction. In addition to the rock-bottom, hands-down most addicting habit I have ever “picked up”, it is also the 

  • most harmful,
  • most controlling,
  • most expensive
  • most noticeable
  • most socially stigmatizing and
  • most undesirable

 Habit out there. All of this, and I haven’t even mentioned how distastefully it smells or how harmful it can be to others. (Oh, I just did. Silly me!)

It is amazing how quickly one can become dependent upon nicotine and how difficult and time-consuming it is to break the addiction.

 Hey, is this a blog on addiction or on the reasons why smoking tobacco is not a good idea?

 Moving right along..

I seem to be addicted to one other drug which is also harmful to the body; however, to a lesser degree.  This drug is caffeine. My addiction seems to run primarily in the forms of coffee and tea, in that order. After caffeine comes vitamins. Yes, really! I have been taking a regime of vitamins since I was 16. I would not call that an addiction, no. However, when you run out or are in a location that your daily V’s are not in and you can’t focus or concentrate because you have not taken them, I would call that bordering on addiction. At the very least, I would call it unnatural, unhealthy, and unusual.

Also, I went through a period in my late teens and early 20’s when I was addicted to the internet and AOL chat rooms. Was that ever a horrible period of my life! I was in these “rooms” from morning until night and sometimes all night as well. We did nothing but sit around and wait for people to enter so that they can sit around with us and wait for more people to enter. I cannot now understand, nor comprehend my fascination or addiction to these “rooms.” I now wish that I could take back the hundreds upon hundreds of hours I spent living a completely “cyber” existence, ignoring the real world in the process. It is possible that I actually continue my addiction to the computer; however, if this is so, I do so in a much more constructive way. Today, when I am in front of my computer, which is often, I am doing something either necessary or productive; shopping, homework, reading/writing mail, paying bills, research etc..


So, there you have it; one person’s honest account of their addictions through the years.